Elevate the heat and infuse today with a burst of passion and surprise by sending the radiant Pink Surprise Bouquet, featuring hand-arranged hot pink spray roses, delicate white daisies, and charming pink mini carnations. Whether for a cherished friend or a beloved significant other, this bouquet is the perfect expression of affection and admiration. While the hot pink roses symbolize deep love and romance, the white daisies represent enduring friendship and loyalty, creating a harmonious blend of emotions. Expertly arranged by our skilled florist partners, the three flower stems are elegantly showcased in a clear glass vase adorned with a decorative ribbon, adding an extra touch of elegance to this stunning arrangement. Please note that in the regular size of the bouquet, roses will not be included, ensuring that every recipient receives a thoughtful and beautiful gift tailored to their preferences and the occasion. Let the Pink Surprise Bouquet ignite sparks of joy and love, making today a memorable and unforgettable day for your special someone.
• Hot Pink Spray Roses
• White Traditional Daisies
• Pink Mini Carnations
• Clear Vase with Pink Bow
• Florist Arranged & Delivered
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