Dreaming In Daisies Bouquet
Elevate someone’s day with a burst of joy delivered straight to their doorstep with our delightful Bright Pink and White Bouquet. This charming arrangement features a stunning combination of bright pink roses, crisp white carnations, and cheerful daisies, carefully curated to bring smiles and warmth to any recipient. Whether it’s for your beloved mom, cherished friend, or that special someone, this bouquet is a wonderful way to let them know they’re on your mind and in your heart.
The beauty of this bouquet lies not only in its vibrant colors but also in its thoughtful presentation. Each bouquet is meticulously arranged and wrapped in a stylish gift box, adding an element of surprise and anticipation to the unboxing experience. Upon arrival, recipients can expect the blooms to be carefully nestled within the box, ready to be revealed and enjoyed.
It’s important to note that the blooms may take 2-3 days to fully open up, as shown in the product photo. This natural process allows the flowers to reach their full potential, ensuring maximum freshness and longevity. To care for the bouquet upon arrival, simply remove the flowers from the wrap, trim the ends of the stems, and place them in a vase filled with fresh water, including the provided flower food packet. With proper care, the flowers will continue to bloom and brighten the recipient’s space for days to come.
• Pink Roses
• White Daisies
• Pink Carnations
• Vase (Optional)
• Personalized Card Message
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