Sympathy Chocolate Gift Basket


Share your affection with irresistible delights. Your caring sentiment and heartfelt card message will be warmly received. Treat your loved ones to a selection of chocolate-dipped fresh and dried fruit, pretzels, cookies, and more during challenging times. (OREO® is a registered trademark of Mondelez International Group). Crafted by our skilled Chocolate Artisans in small batches, each treat is a unique masterpiece, ensuring a one-of-a-kind experience.

Included in this thoughtful gift:

  • 3 Belgian Chocolate Covered Apples
  • 3 Belgian Chocolate Covered Pears
  • 12-piece Ultimate Toppings Chocolate Covered OREO® Cookies
  • 12 oz. Almond Dark Chocolate Bark
  • 1/2 lb Belgian Chocolate Covered Fruits (Assortment of Milk, Dark, White Chocolates)
  • 4 oz. Belgian Chocolate Covered Mini Pretzel Twists
  • Presented in Gift Boxes