Serenity & Bliss Sympathy Bouquet


Express your love in a simple yet elegant way with our Serenity and Bliss bouquet. Featuring a beautiful combination of white and pink flowers, this stunning arrangement is perfect for any occasion. The bouquet includes delicate pink roses and white Asiatic lilies that perfectly complement each other. The roses and lilies are surrounded by other pastel accents and white cushion spray mums, all arranged in a classic ginger vase.

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just because, the Serenity and Bliss bouquet is a beautiful way to show someone how much you care. The gentle hues of white and pink in this arrangement exude serenity and calmness, making it perfect for creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in any room.

Included in the bouquet are pink roses, white Asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, white cushion spray mums, and a glass vase. These flowers have been carefully selected to create a stunning display that is sure to bring joy to anyone who receives it. Order our Serenity and Bliss bouquet today and let your loved ones know just how much you care.