Enchanted Garden Flower Bouquet



The enchanted garden flower bouquet is a beautiful mix of freshly cut blooms blurring together in a beautiful arrangement. Pale carnation blossoms and alstroemerias are hand-arranged and delivered with lilac mum, purple statice, leatherleaf fern, and more for a fresh from the garden look. Presented in a square cubed vase, this pastel floral centerpiece of beautiful spring-inspired flowers evokes pure joy. Sending someone a smile is moments away.

• Pink and Peach Mini Carnations
• Light-Pink Alstroemeria
• Roseate Roses (Included in Deluxe & Premium Options Only)
• Pitta Negra
• Leatherleafs
• Violet Sinuata Statice
• Lavender Cushion Spray Mums
• Clear Cube Vase